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Star Trek
Dateline 19
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Reporting for Duty!
We're back! We're bold! We're beautiful! And we're looking
again at the wonderful world of Trek. Look for some special looks at
Star Trek VI among along the chit-chat in this month's issue. And
there's lots of news to be found herein; take notes!
As always, comment is welcomed. Enjoy.
News from Over the Hailing Frequencies....
The reports are coming in that Paramount will be starting up a
new one-hour Trek series beginning with January 1993. No
confirmation from Paramount, or details about the time frame of this
new series; popular rumor has it that the series will be a Next
Generation prequel. No word on potential casting or whether the late
Gene Roddenberry had anything to do with the new series' development.
Reportedly, the new series will be aired in first-run
syndication, just as TNG has been. It is being developed in
conjunction with another new first-run syndicated series, a new
"Untouchables" series, to be sold as one "block" to TV stations.
On January 3rd, actress Dame Judith Anderson died at 93. This
classic performer was known for her Academy Award-nominated role in
the film "Rebecca", her Emmy Award winning role in "Macbeth", and her
part in the soap opera "Santa Barbara" from 1984 to 1987, among many
other roles. But she was best known to Star Trek fans for her
performance as the Vulcan priestess T'Lar in "Star Trek: The Search
for Spock".
Whoopi Goldberg went to South Africa on January 3rd to work in a
local film production of "Sarafina", a musical. But the black
radical group known as the Azanian Youth Organization (Azayo) has
threatened to use violence if necessary to prevent production of the
film. Azayo is against the recent lifting of cultural boycotts
against South Africa that were imposed by the world in response to
the apartheid movement. Similiarly, the Azayo group has used
violence to try to stop an upcoming South African concert tour by
singer Paul Simon. (A grenade was detonated in the offices of a
company promoting Simon's tour -- there was minor damage and no
injuries. The tour has since begun with only nonviolent protests.)
Whoopi Goldberg could not be reached by the news media for comment on
Azayo's threats.
As of the weekend of 1/3, Star Trek VI had earned $60.5 million.
Nichelle Nichols has joined the ranks of those who have been
honored with a star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame.
Below is the current schedule of upcoming TNG episodes, with
really brief plot summaries. All airdates are "week of...."
01/06/92 "New Ground" (the return of Worf's son)
01/13/92 "Unification I" rerun (death of Sarek)
01/20/92 "Unification II" rerun (Spock guest-stars)
01/27/92 "Hero Worship" (Data rescues a young boy who then tries
to live his life imitating Data; directed by Patrick Stewart)
02/03/92 "Violations" (aliens cause mental flashbacks among
crew; includes a Beverly flashback about Jack Crusher in the morgue)
02/10/92 "The Masterpiece Society" (the Enterprise finds a
perfect society -- and some of the crew want to join it)
02/17/92 "Conundrum" (shipwide amnesia causes confusion among
the crew; to wit: bartender Data, Captain Worf, and a Riker/Ro
romance are rumored)
02/24/92 "Power Play" (still more aliens taking over the crew
and ship)
03/02/92 "Ethics" (plot unknown)
03/09/92 "A Matter Of Time" rerun (time traveler visits the
03/16/92 "The Outcast" (plot unknown)
Still waiting for word on the "I, Borg" story (supposedly a
story about a single Borg soldier), as well as the annual Q and
Lwaxana Troi episodes. Other probable returning characters this
season are Wesley (again), Lt. Barclay, and Guinan.
Other notes, all from the rumor mill: Some background on
Geordi's family may be revealed this year; still waiting for the next
Jonathan Frakes directing effort (this is more of a fact than a
rumor); watch for more love interests for Deanna as well as her
victory against Data in chess.
Rumor has it that with the firing of Richard Arnold from his
position with Star Trek, several book projects and authors that he
had been opposing are coming back to the fold. Reportedly, the
hardcover "Probe" has been put back on the schedule (for May 1992).
And also reportedly, author Diane Duane will be coming back with a
TNG novel.
Editorial: Wish List
by Bill Mason (Data1701D)
If we are about to get a new Trek series, here are some things I
would and wouldn't want to see.
The Anti-Climatic Idea: Doing a series on the voyages of the
Enterprise-C. Personally, I don't want to watch a cast of characters
whose fate we already know. Unless they cast it with a pre-Captain
Garrett crew. (Having a female captain on a new ST series gets a
thumbs-up, however.)
The Cheesy Idea: Doing a pre-Classic Trek series would be tough.
If you do Pike's Enterprise, you have to recast Pike, Spock, and
Number One. (Heck, you have to recast everybody.) Or you do April's
Enterprise. But either way, does everyone remember the Enterprise
from "The Cage"? They had "time warp" drive, lasers, communicators
that looked scrapped together from Radio Shack, and a computer that
printed all its reports on paper. Who wants to see that in a day
where the audience expects flashy hi-tech Bridges, and ILM-type
The This Isn't "Dinosaurs" Idea: Don't do a series about
Klingons, Romulans, or whatever. Besides "Dinosaurs" and maybe some
of the Saturday morning cartoons, try to think of a successful TV
series that was entirely about non-Humans.
Daring Idea: One rumor has it that the new series will be a
drama set on a Starbase. This gets a thumbs-up for a gutsy idea.
There are those who say that Star Trek is a genre in and of itself,
with a limitless base for stories. Leaving the "Enterprise voyages"
format and doing this would certainly prove it one way or the other.
Middle-of the Road Idea: Doing the voyages of the Enterprise-B.
This would stand apart from Classic Trek, yet isn't too close to Next
Generation. And we've seen nothing of Enterprise-B in Trek so far.
Stupid Idea: Dare I do something silly like try to predict what
will happen? Sure, what do I care. |) My based on nothing but my
gut feeling guess is...look for the Enterprise-B in '93. Hey, that
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Script
by Bill Mason (Data1701D)
For Christmas, among other Trek stuff, I got a copy of an early
draft of Star Trek VI. So I'd thought I'd page through this (fifth
draft - 12/28/90; includes revisions up to 2/6/91) and look at some
of the things that were revised by the time the film was completed.
Admiral Cartwright, one of the Starfleet conspirators, was named
Admiral Donald in this draft.
Spock was referred to as holding the rank of Commander several
times in the script.
Saavik had not yet been replaced with Valeris.
In this draft, there is a scene where Kirk is giving Gorkon's
party a tour of the Enterprise. Kirk mentions that the ship carries
"chemical-analysis sensors"; this is the equipment that is used on
the special photon torpedo at the climax of the film. (This scene
remains in the book version, pages 74-76.)
During the banquet, Kirk's line "Earth, Hitler, 1938" is not in
this draft.
The Starfleet assassins that kill Gorkon, at one point, are
shown walking on the walls with their gravity boots while aboard
Kronos One.
After Kirk and McCoy are arrested, there are scenes with the
Federation President as he considers a military operation to retrieve
them, and with civilian military contractors about the possibility of
war. (These scenes remain in the book, pages 130-132 and page 140.)
Throughout the script, Sulu's Communications officer is an
unnamed male; this character eventually became Janice Rand.
During Kirk and Martia's fight, Martia at times changes back
into the large beast; she also changes into a "miniature person" at
one point. (This also remains in the book, pages 232-233.)
When Scott discovers the two missing uniforms, the crewmen
(Burke and Samno) are hiding nearby watching, armed with knives. One
moves to kill Scott but is dissuaded from doing so by the other.
Spock does not angrily slap Valeris' (still Saavik in this
draft) phaser out of her hand when he confronts her in Sickbay.
In the end, the Klingon assassin who tries to kill the
Federation President turns out to be a disguised Human; specifically,
the Starfleet officer who proposed "Operation Retrieve" to save Kirk
and McCoy.
Starfleet does not order the Enterprise home to be
decommissioned at the film's end.
And lastly, the cast's signatures are supposed to be shown in
order of billing: first Shatner, then Nimoy, etc. The signatures
were done in reverse in the actual film.
Of course, there are other small changes. But this covers some
of the more interesting ones. Many of the changes to the Enterprise
crew's lines, and some deleted scenes with the crew, remained in the
"Only Nixon Could Go to China"
by Bill Mason (Data1701D)
Every time I saw an audience react to this line of Spock's from
Star Trek VI, it was always with amusement and laughter. And it's
definitely the strangest Vulcan proverb I ever heard. But those of
us who don't remember Richard Nixon and China, or those too young to
remember, might wonder what happened. What was so special about
Nixon and China that the Vulcans remember the event centuries later?
How does America and China compare to Federation-Klingon relations?
And how does Kirk compare to Nixon?
To look at all that, a brief look at Chinese history before
Nixon's visit is required. In the decades before the visit, the
1950s and 1960s, American-Chinese relations were not good. The
United States would not even recognize the Communist government and
the People's Republic of China. America opposed China's entry into
the United Nations. In 1950 China entered the Korean War on the side
of the North Koreans, and eventually forced a stalemate in the battle
with the primarily American forces that backed South Korea. After
the war, the States and China shows no interest at all in attempting
to normalize relations with the other. (These direct conflicts and
"cold war" mentalities parallel the Federation-Klingon relationship
seen in Classic Trek.)
The situation changed in the early 1970s; China began to express
interest in establishing a dialogue with America. Their reasons were
twofold. First, the Chinese had become isolated from their former
political allies -- the Soviet Union. (Shades of the deteriorating
Klingon-Romulan relationship seen in Trek.) Second, China desired to
participate in trade with the Western nations. (Just as the Klingons
needed Federation economic aid in Star Trek VI.)
This basically describes how U.S.-Chinese and Federation-Klingon
relations are comparable. But what of the crucial men in the story?
What makes Captain Kirk a Richard Nixon, as Spock suggests?
Kirk, as we saw in Star Trek VI, wanted nothing to do with his
enemies the Klingons. Nixon's past was somewhat similar. In fact,
in Nixon's first political victory -- a Congressional seat -- his
campaign's main theme was anti-Communist. (His opponent had
unknowingly accepted a campaign contribution from a left-wing
political action committee, and Nixon campaigned with the slogan "a
vote for Nixon is a vote against the Communist-dominated PAC".) And
Nixon was president during another war against a Communist foe, the
Vietnam War.
But Nixon was willing, despite the armed conflicts, to open a
dialogue with China (and other Communist countries). Nixon visited
China in 1972 for a summit meeting. The intention was to normalize
relations, but this did not occur until 7 years later. But Nixon's
visit to China marked an historic turning point in U.S.-China
Likewise, Kirk eventually turned away from conflict and hatred
of Klingons. The man who the Klingons had vowed would have to die
before there would be peace fought to maintain the dialogue that had
started between the Federation and the Empire. And like Nixon, the
actual success came later: the Federation-Klingon Alliance comes
later in Trek history.
So the Nixon-Kirk parallel is apropos. The leader of the
Western world and avowed Communist opponent, Nixon, started the
process of normalized relations between America and the People's
Republic. And only Kirk could go to the Klingons and start the peace
I realize that I have just massively compressed several decades
of history into a page or so. But I hope it helps illustrate why
"only Kirk could go to the Empire".
Book Review: "Star Wreck II -- The Attack of the Jargonites"
by Bill Mason (Data1701D)
Leah Rewolinski, author of the hilarious parody "Star Wreck: The
Generation Gap", has returned again with "Star Wreck II". And how
can you resist all this? See: the engagement of Captain Smirk and
Counselor "Dee" Troit! The rediscovery of the original USS
Endocrine! Dr. Beverage Flusher among the crew! And Smirk's great
plan to save the Earth, by destroying it! (What will Jean-Lucy
Ricardo think of that?!) This is classic stuff, and just as funny as
the original.
Go read it. Now. And watch out for what comes out of a worm's
hole...er, wormholes.
Happy Birthday!
January 20: DeForest Kelley
January 24: ST writer David Gerrold
February 2: Brent Spiner
Club Happenings
As you may have discovered by now, the Friday "Ten-Forward
Lounge" has a new hostess. I hope you'll all drop in on Cpt Isis at
10pm ET and bid her welcome!
And then of course, there's the Saturday "Star Trek Trivia",
which also boasts a new hostess -- ArwenR. Why not drop in, play a
game, and say howdy?
Another big "Center Stage" event coming -- you don't want to
miss this! On February 2nd at 9pm Eastern Time, Star Trek novelist
Diane Carey ("Dreadnought!", "Battlestations!", "Final Frontier", and
"Ghost Ship") will be the guest of honor.
Oh yeah...I'll be there too. |)
Watch for the announcement of our next Center Stage, coming in
The "Starfleet Academy" games in PEOPLE CONNECTION will be
expanding to Thursdays at 11pm ET (starting 1/16), in addition to the
11pm games on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. For info on the
"Academy", look in PEOPLE CONNECTION in the "Game Resort" area.
Trek-related Products/Happenings
DC Comics: Kirk faces yet another Prime Directive problem in
"Star Trek" #29. This issue is written by Timothy DeHass, who wrote
the story for the TNG episode "Identity Crisis". Speaking of TNG, in
"Next Generation" #29, Picard finds that a visit from an old friend
and his son is not entirely a social reunion. And THIS issue is
written by Kevin Ryan, an editor for the Pocket Books Star Trek
novels. Lastly, the "Debt of Honor" graphic hardcover (that I
mentioned last issue) was pulled from DC's December schedule, which
is why you can't find it if you've looked! Like many Trek products
lately, the book wasn't finished in time. No re-issue date has been
announced yet.
Personality Comics: The unauthorized biographies continue with
"New Crew" #4 (LeVar Burton) and "Original Crew" #5 (Walter Koenig).
The Franklin Mint is issuing a 5th Anniversary Next Generation
medal. The head features Picard, Riker, Data, Troi, and the
Enterprise. The tail is a 1992 calendar. The medal is being minted
in sterling silver and in pewter. Orders are being taken through
February 20th. Contact for info: Franklin Mint, Franklin Center PA,
Various new magazines coming out, Star Trek related (of course).
"Cinefex" #49 looks at the special effects of Star Trek VI.
"Starlog" #176 has interviews with ST VI director Nicholas Meyer,
John DeLancie (Q), and Wil Wheaton. And scheduled for release in
February is "Star Trek: The Next Generation Magazine" #18.
Paramount reported 4th quarter earnings of $83.3 million, down
twenty-five percent from a year ago. Earnings were hurt by poor
performance by the TV division and a run of weak movies throughout
the year, but were bolstered by good year-end grosses from Star Trek
VI and "The Addams Family."
The Philadelphia Inquirer named Spock's line "There's a Vulcan
proverb: only Nixon could go to China" the Best Line of any movie in
1991. |)
Due out in hardcover in February is "Teklab", the latest in
William Shatner's TEK series.
Out now in theaters is the movie "The Hand that Rocks the
Cradle", which co-stars (among others) Matt McCoy (Devinoni Ral, the
Betazoid negotiator from TNG's "The Price").
Former TNG guest star Michelle Phillips ("We'll Always Have
Paris") was a Outstanding Actress--Prime Time nominee on the Soap
Opera Digest Awards of January 10th, for her work on "Knots Landing".
Personal Logs, Stardate Today
Is there any way William Shatner would do a Star Trek VII?
"Only if the box office was positively overwhelming -- like $100
million, somewhere in that area," Capt. Kirk jokes. Actually,
Shatner has insisted that "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country" is
the last movie that the current cast "will ever do." Yeah, we've
heard that before. "All I know," he says, "is that the old team is
taking its last breath -- like guppies sucking in oxygen."
[From "Inquirer" magazine; 12 January 1992]
We have never had so many requests for an ornament since we went
into business over 20 years ago.
[Perry Kleinman, owner of 2 Manhattan Hallmark stores,
discussing the Enterprise Christmas ornament; from the Philadelphia
Inquirer, 20 December 1991]
Patrick Stewart...opened his one-man adaptation of Charles
Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" [December 16th] at the Eugene O'Neill
Theater. The actor, with naught on stage but five pieces of
furniture, single-handedly does 35 speaking roles. "It only gets
wild in something like the Cratchits' Christmas party, where you have
10 people onstage simultaneously," the actor said. "Yes, as Tiny
Tim, I actually do say, 'God bless us, everyone.'"
[Philadelphia Inquirer, 17 December 1991]
And In Conclusion...
Dateline #20 will appear in your local space-time continuum on
February 15th.
Credits where Credits are Due
"Dateline: Starfleet"--edited by Bill Mason (Data1701D), ID#
WPHM91A on Prodigy.
The Away Team of Contributors--Help fill this space! If you'd
like to write, drop your ideas and contributions in Data1701D's
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STAR TREK is a Registered Trademark of Paramount Pictures. All
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If you read all this, please remember: practice random kindness
and senseless acts of beauty.